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Trump: The Art of the Deal Review


Trump: The Art of the Deal

Donald J. Trump’s name is synonymous with grandeur, controversy, and entrepreneurship. Whether you admire him or critique him, there’s no denying that he has had a significant impact on the business world and politics. “Trump: The Art of the Deal,” co-authored by Donald J. Trump and Tony Schwartz, provides a unique insight into the mind and career of this polarizing figure. In this book review, we will dissect this iconic book, exploring its contents, impact, and the larger-than-life persona it portrays.

The Author and the Co-Author

Before diving into the book itself, it’s essential to understand the primary characters in this narrative.

  • Donald J. Trump: The book’s central figure, Donald Trump, is a real estate magnate, television personality, and the 45th President of the United States. Known for his boldness and brashness, Trump’s life and career have been defined by audacious deals, high-stakes gambles, and the unapologetic pursuit of success.
  • Tony Schwartz: Co-author Tony Schwartz played a pivotal role in shaping the book. An experienced writer and journalist, Schwartz spent significant time with Trump, conducting interviews and crafting the narrative. His influence on the book’s tone and content is evident throughout.

The Essence of “The Art of the Deal”

At its core, “Trump: The Art of the Deal” is a semi-autobiographical account of Donald Trump’s career in real estate and his approach to deal-making. The book serves as a blueprint for understanding the mindset and strategies that propelled Trump to business prominence.

Trump’s Early Years

The book opens with a glimpse into Trump’s childhood and formative experiences. From his time at the New York Military Academy to his early forays into real estate through his father’s company, the narrative paints a picture of a young man driven by ambition and eager to make his mark in the world of business.

The Deal-Making Philosophy

Central to the book is Trump’s philosophy on deal-making, which can be summarized in a few key principles:

  1. Think Big: Trump emphasizes the importance of setting audacious goals and not settling for mediocrity. He advocates for aiming higher than you think is possible.
  2. Maximize Your Options: Trump is known for his ability to explore various angles in a deal. He advises readers to consider all available options and be flexible in negotiations.
  3. Use Your Leverage: Leverage, according to Trump, is a critical element in any negotiation. He shares anecdotes from his career where he used his leverage to his advantage.
  4. Enhance Your Location: Real estate being Trump’s primary domain, location is paramount. He discusses his strategy of choosing properties in prime locations, even if they initially appear overpriced.
  5. Play Hardball: Trump is unapologetic about his aggressive negotiation tactics. He argues that playing hardball is essential to getting what you want.

The Deal Chronicles

Throughout the book, Trump provides a detailed account of various deals he has been involved in. These range from acquiring the iconic Commodore Hotel in New York City to developing the Trump Tower and the Trump Plaza. Each deal is a microcosm of Trump’s approach to deal-making, with lessons and insights for aspiring entrepreneurs.

For example, Trump’s acquisition of the Commodore Hotel demonstrates his ability to see the potential in overlooked properties. He recognized the value of the hotel’s prime location near Grand Central Terminal, despite its run-down condition. This deal exemplifies his principle of enhancing location.

Similarly, the development of the Trump Tower showcases his commitment to quality and luxury. Trump spared no expense in creating a high-end residential and commercial building that would become an iconic part of the Manhattan skyline. This deal highlights his emphasis on thinking big and maximizing options.

The Controversy Surrounding the Book

While “The Art of the Deal” offers a unique perspective on Trump’s business career, it has not been without its share of controversy. Critics have raised several concerns:

Accuracy and Authenticity

One of the primary points of contention is the accuracy of the book. Tony Schwartz, the co-author, has publicly stated that he regrets his involvement in the project and feels that he portrayed Trump in an overly positive light. This raises questions about how much of the content truly reflects Trump’s character and experiences.

Critics argue that the book presents a sanitized version of Trump’s career, glossing over some of the more controversial and less savory aspects of his business dealings.


Critics argue that “The Art of the Deal” serves as a vehicle for self-promotion. Trump’s relentless self-praise and promotion of his brand are evident throughout the book. Some readers may find this aspect of the narrative off-putting.

Trump’s tendency to highlight his successes while downplaying his failures is a recurring theme. While this self-assuredness has been a key factor in his career, it also contributes to the perception that the book is a form of self-aggrandizement.

Limited Insight into Trump’s Personal Life

While the book provides an extensive view of Trump’s business endeavors, it offers limited insight into his personal life and values. Readers seeking a deeper understanding of Trump as a person may find the book lacking in this regard.

The focus on deal-making and business strategy often leaves little room for exploration of Trump’s personal motivations and beliefs. This leaves some aspects of his character and decision-making process shrouded in mystery.

The Enduring Impact

Regardless of its controversies, “Trump: The Art of the Deal” has left an indelible mark on business literature and popular culture. Its enduring impact can be seen in several key areas:

Influence on Deal-Making

The book’s principles of deal-making have influenced aspiring entrepreneurs and negotiators. Trump’s emphasis on thinking big

and playing hardball has been adopted by many in the business world. The idea of leveraging one’s position to gain an advantage in negotiations has become a fundamental strategy in deal-making.

Branding and Image

Trump’s relentless branding and self-promotion, as portrayed in the book, have become hallmarks of his persona. The “Trump” brand is now synonymous with luxury, opulence, and power. His ability to create and market a powerful personal brand has been studied and emulated by marketers and public figures worldwide.

Political Influence

Beyond the business world, the book played a role in shaping Trump’s political image. His business acumen and deal-making prowess, as depicted in the book, contributed to his appeal as a presidential candidate. Trump’s reputation as a successful businessman played a significant role in his presidential campaign, with many supporters viewing him as an outsider who could bring a fresh approach to politics.

The Final Verdict

“Trump: The Art of the Deal” is a complex and controversial work. It offers a window into the mind of a man who has left an indelible mark on the worlds of business and politics. While its authenticity and accuracy may be debated, there’s no denying its enduring influence.

Readers interested in business strategy, deal-making, and the enigmatic persona of Donald Trump will find this book an intriguing exploration of a man who has defied convention and redefined the boundaries of success.

Whether you view Donald Trump as a master deal-maker or a divisive figure, “The Art of the Deal” provides a unique lens through which to examine his life, career, and impact on the world. It remains a captivating and polarizing piece of literature that continues to spark conversation and debate.

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